Monday I went shopping with my mom and sister. Tara did my makeup and we spent WAY too much at that store! And I got a fun new pair of shoes! :) I never buy heels, but one of my kids at school was telling me that she wanted to see me wear heels and I told her I didn't have any. So, I bought some! And I super like them actually! :)
Tuesday I went and worked at my mom's and Christopher got to explore his new calling as Cub Master! He went to pack meeting and learned al the things he has to do...(which really isn't a whole lot.)
Wednesday was wear our adventures for the week really started! We decided that we would go to Texas Roadhouse for dinner! My mom got us a fun gift card so we kind of went all out! It was so yummy! Holy Cow! I forgot how much I really love steak!!! Oh my goodness! I love steak! And we were going to go to a friend's reception, but we found out it was at Wheeler Farm and Christopher pretty much suffocates when he is there because of allergies, so we headed home. On the way home, we picked up our last Huckleberry Shake of the season from Arctic Circle! We were a little loopy and had a fun time laughing with each other and making stupid jokes all night! :) What a fun date night!
This is Christopher's funny case because we were being silly!
Thursday was a work day and nothing really to report....well that's boring, isn't it? Hahah!
Friday was a good day though! :) We slept in a little bit because I took the day off for a doctor's appointment. In the morning, we went and got both our cars' oil changed at Tunex and we went across the street and had breakfast at IHOP! We realized that we hadn't ever gone out to breakfast in our marriage! Or not that we can remember, but we had fun! I had the AMAZING double dipped french toast which were yummy and Christopher had a spinach and mushroom omelette! He had some of my french toast and tried three different syrup options and loved all three! We feel so cool! And we are SO happy! :) Gosh I love this guy!
Then we came back home and I got all our fun fall decorations up! :) I am SO excited for both fall weather and all the fun things that come with the change of season!
Then we made it to a session at the temple! We love our temple so much! And then I headed off to my doctor's appointment. PS Doctor says I can get running again! So, that's what I am going to do!!!! :) WOOT WOOT!
After that, we packed and headed to our ward camp out! We got a new tent and we meant to take a picture with it, but we forgot! We had fun getting to know members o our ward better and having fun around the camp fire! It was REALLY cold and Christopher kind of got even more sick than he already was, but it was worth it! The other kind of funny story, was that we almost ran out of gas on our way up to the camp out. I was a little worried that we wouldn't make it down the mountain, but we prayed that we would and luckily it was all down hill and we made it to a gas station! Just in time to. I don't know that we could have gone much further....
On our way home from the campout, we decided to take a pit stop at Peterson's and take advantage of their case lot sale. We've been talking a lot about emergency preparedness this month and we are trying to make some new changes like storing water in leftover milk containers and buying things in bulk and using them a little at a time so that we have extras if we need them! Yay for emergency preparedness month!
And, because we are awesome, we decided to try Culver's because we saw like...12 advertisements for it on our way home from the camp out and I'm sorry to say that Neilson's up in Bountiful just can't be topped for custard! It's just not as good...
Christopher went to see Avengers 2:Age of Ultron with Kevin at the dollar theater and I went to work for my mom for a while. Tara and Justin both went to Homecoming and I got to take pictures of them before they left! :) They looked so spiffy!!
We went and played games at Eric and Skylee's that night! :)
Today, Christopher was SUPER sick and stayed home from church even. I don't think I have ever seen christopher do that. He stayed home to get some rest from our fun and busy week! I got a few things done around the house and did main course for the Neff 3rd Sunday get together! We had pulled pork sandwiches....which may or may not have been left over from our fun barbecue with the friends and family at our house last week...;) AND I thought I wouldn't have bought more meat and I totally didn't need it! We STILL have leftovers! Which is okay, because it's built in dinners for us :)
Here's to another great week! :)