Moose wasn't very helpful when we were raking leaves... He jumped in EVERY pile!
And we put up our Christmas tree too! :)
Thanksgiving was with the Kieffer's this year!
And then we went black Friday shopping!!!
Can't forget those Utes!!!
And Tara and I had quite the encounter with some wackadoodles on the train home.. :) Hi awkward man in our selfie...
AND CHRISTOPHER GRADUATED!! Yay!!! This is from our awesome family! Thanks Cindy Kay, Chandel and Cyrus! :)
Don't know if this will become an annual tradition or not, but this year, I directed Herriman City's Community Choir! It was such a great time...and stressful! But we pulled it off with many thanks to all those who participated and helped!! :)
And here's some of the family joining in on the festivities! :)
Marianne and Mckay are building their first home! How cute!
Hey Cindy! Look over here, dude! :)
We got some Star Wars Mac N' Cheese for Christmas from Seuss and Grandpa! Yay for Mac N' Cheese on Sundays!
And...When cleaning one Saturday, Moose played king of the world...
AND FINALLY! After waiting for a month for our silly black friday purchase to be delivered, we finally got our new washer and dryer which ACTUALLY dries on the FIRST cycle! WHAT A CONCEPT! :)
And our annual Nativity with the Roylance's put us as an angel and a wiseman! It just happened to be the day of the Ute vs. BYU game and we weren't liked very much when the Utes won. I wore my hate to make a statement. :) You can also see my Utes shirt underneath...tee hee! It was also funny, because most of my cousins are BYU fans, but my cousin's husband Skyler and my other cousin Nate are some of our only allies in the family and those three were the wisemen. Grandma didn't really appreciate that comment. ;)
And here we are at our first doctor's appointment for our newest and greatest adventure! We're due on June 30th, 2016!!!! Yay! Right now, I think it's a boy. Christopher says that he thinks it's a girl! One of us will be right!
Names we like as of right now:
Boys: #1-Lincoln, Clarkson, Graham and Jameson
Girl: #1-KelliAnn, Cambrielle

Yay! We're ready for a fun new year!