So, this is our month! :)
The beginning of our month started at Bear Lake with the Neff Family. On our way there, we stopped in Park City and had dinner with a coupon at Main Street Pizza and Noodle. It was super yummy! We got a Pizza and a Pasta. The pasta was a pesto pasta with mushroom and ham! Umm to die for! And I actually super loved the pizza! It was like...a chicken pizza with some other yummy stuff and the served it with some pico de gallo, guacamole, and sour cream to put on top. So, it was like a mexican like pizza! Super yummy! We sent them a compliment in their general email saying how good the food was and how much we appreciated our waiter. They actually sent us a gift card to come back! We are excited to go and try something new there!

We also got to have breakfast with the witches at Gardner Village. It was especially fun to see my aunt Mildew Rose as a witch there! No pics unfortunately...because the lighting inside is terrible and the pictures that were taken were taken by other people. But please enjoy this fabulous picture of us with this GIANT pumpkin :)
Pumpkins are a must during October! So, we got some awesome pumpkins at the pumpkin patch! Date night on a Tuesday for us this week. We went and got our favorite ice cream too! Marble Slab is the way to our hearts. My favorite ice cream there is coconut ice cream with coconut flakes and banana and sometimes graham cracker too. Christopher loves peach ice cream with raspberries and gummy bears. He also really loves their chocolate birthday cake. We love this place because the ice cream is SO creamy and yummy....not sticky like some of the competitors..*cough cough cold stone cough cough*. They also let you have as many mix-ins as you want! It is super awesome! We almost always have a buy-one-get-one-free coupon and they have a punch card and you can buy their gift card for $20 and they will give you $5 more on the gift card! We buy one every couple of months!

We also got to see our good friend Jamie. She lives in Denver and we took her to Leatherby's Family Creamery! Such fun! :)

And on Halloween, we got to hang out with Kevin and Kacee. We went to our favorite sushi place, Ichiban in Sandy, and then came to our house, played the newlywed game which....Christopher and I were not very good at....and then we watched the 25th anniversary of The Phantom of the Opera! Which, by the way, was probably the most incredible production I have ever seen ever! In my entire life! WOW! I have never seen it live and I kind of thought that it was a little overrated after seeing the movie version, but after seeing this version...I! That is what I can say!
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