At South Hills, my school, raised a ton of money for a less fortunate school in West Valley! Because they met their goal of what they were trying to raise, they put on the annual teacher talent show! I sang Let it Snow, the Michael Buble version. I had a ton of fun with it!
Christopher finished the semester with great grades! Better than expected and he's thrilled! We're happy he only has one big semester left and then senior projects. Then he is DONE with school! One more year! We can do this!
After he finished the semester, he worked really hard on writing an incredible Christmas program from scratch! It was a great program. We had a great turn out for practices and we are so grateful for all those who were willing to share their talents and participate! In conjunction with the Christmas program, we also had our annual Christmas Choirside which was phenomenal as usual. We loved singing the Hallelujah Chorus again and seeing all the wards come together for a spiritually uplifting event!
Even though it was a little chaotic and Ken and Kalene were at the hospital, we still had Gingerbread houses to make! :) We made a log cabin this year!

We made a kind of happy accident. Christopher made the frosting a little we made melty snow on top of our gingerbread house! It was lots of fun! And we think it looks like we did it on purpose. What do you think?
We were able to attend the annual Kieffer Christmas party where we have omelettes and Santa Clause comes to Grandma's house! We had lots of fun eating yummy breakfast and seeing Santa!
Unfortunately, there was lots of sickness going around and we weren't able to make it to the Roylance Christmas party this year. It didn't feel quite the same without going to Grandma's and doing the Nativity like we do every year, but we were able to do a nativity with the Neff family on Christmas Eve. It was probably the most comedic of Nativities that I have ever participated in. While still portraying the Christmas spirit and the true meaning of Christmas, we did have an angel and Mary fighting over the baby Jesus. We had crying shepherds and a little bit of a restless Joseph. Christopher got to be a wiseman and all was well in the end!
Here come the shepherds and...Oh no! Here comes angel Zach...who wasn't so angel like...
And here come the wise men.
Where are you going Joseph?
Oh and there is Mary and the angel REALLY fighting over the manger.
Let's get a picture everybody!
Get in position!
This is probably our best one....
And now everybody look at baby Jesus!
Wait, are there two baby Jesus'? Yes, the angel and Mary each had to have their own.
And now the manger is on Joseph's head...
And here are the wise men!
And Mary and a shepherd.
And the not so happy shepherd...
Then we had our wonderful Neff after Christmas White Elephant exchange! We ended up with some pancake mix and a Utes Cook Book! Can't get any better than that! And a box of goodies for the ride home!
It truly has been a great Christmas! We are so grateful for all the wonderful people in our life! We are grateful for the Christmas season and the fun things we were able to do with family. We are so grateful for the birth of Christ and that we are able to celebrate it every year! Merry Christmas everyone! And a happy new year!:)
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